We all can remember a moment or a time when we were transitioning from middle school to high school, or transitioning out of high school and had no idea what to expect. What comes next? How do I navigate this new space? These questions racing through our minds.
As students you may be getting ready to go back to school this fall, and you might have the same questions as I once did. Well, our fantastic New Mentality youth at Lumenus Community Services have you covered! Our youth have created two resources to help students with the transition to high school, and the transition out of high school.
After working two years on this project, youth have created these resources to share with their peers what they wish they knew before going through these challenging transitions themselves. These resources are filled with advice, tips, and interviews from youth who have recently gone through these transitions themselves!
A huge congratulations to the young folks who worked very hard on this project. We are so incredibly proud to see resources created by youth for youth!
Click here to read – The Transition to High School
Click here to read – The Transition out of High School

Follow @lumenuscs to see what our youth will be up to next!