Resources for members
The New Mentality often referred to as TNM is a provincial network of youth and adult allies working to amplify youth voice to influence change within the mental health system and beyond. Our work is grounded in the belief that youth must contribute to building and improving the mental health system. That is why we are so grateful to have you leading change in your local community!
Being involved with The New Mentality will provide you with opportunities to build both professional and personal skills all while making a huge difference in your community! As a youth in the network, you play a critical role in helping mental health service providers understand what types of services youth need while helping your peers be aware of how and where they can get help.
Each year, TNM groups design and deliver innovative, creative and impactful projects related to mental health advocacy. The process of designing these projects can be challenging, but time and time again you prove how capable and powerful you are!
The resources below are designed to provide you with the tools that will help you with your project work and ultimately becoming an effective leader in whatever you do! Many of the frameworks and tools used are used at Disable the Label and other provincial TNM activities. We hope you find these tools useful!
Join our Monthly Youth Community of Practice!
Once a month we host a Youth Community of Practice for youth facilitators and group members to gather virtually and share group updates, projects, successes, and work together to solve challenges they are facing in their group. The Youth Community of Practice provides an opportunity for young people across our network to connect, problem-solve, and collaborate where possible. In addition, youth advise TNM staff on topics related to the network.
To join email

2305 - 180 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1Z8