I hope the network is ready for all the incredible TNM Group visits Jay, and I will be doing over the next few months… because we’re just getting started!
Last week we had a chance to visit our TNM Group in Thunder Bay with our partner agency, Children’s Centre Thunder Bay. This was a unique visit, as the adult allies and youth were able to meet in person, and we joined via Zoom!
We started the meeting with a check-in by sharing a rose, a positive highlight of our day or week, and a bud, an opportunity to share an idea we had or something we’re looking forward to or are exploring. We learned more about the adult allies and the youth and found one youth who had the same love for Hot Cheetos as me, which created an instant connection. Who doesn’t love Hot Cheetos, am I right?
The youth and adult allies began brainstorming ideas for their TNM Group and shared that they have been working on an Instagram page that they recently created. If you haven’t already, follow their TNM Group here. They have some exciting ideas and content coming soon!
The youth and adult allies also brainstormed what they would like to include in their upcoming self-care kit project, which will be handed out in their community. They came up with many great items to place in their kits, such as tea bags, stress balls, cooling masks, notepads for folks to journal and write down their thoughts, and chocolate! It’s always so great to hear how many of our TNM Groups have created self-care kits to give back to the community and encourage others to take care of themselves.
After some project planning, we shifted gears and heard from the TNM Group about some of the changes they would like to see within the Child and Youth Mental Health sector. We heard that many school guidance counsellors dismiss the mental health needs of students, and resources and access to quality care are limited. An adult ally shared that only one psychiatrist in Thunder Bay is currently accepting clients, leading to a crisis-oriented system. Jay and I really appreciated the youth and adult allies’ honesty and vulnerability. The system needs to move from crisis to quality.
Thank you to the wonderful adult allies and youth for welcoming us, even though we were on screen! Jay and I are looking forward to connecting with more of our TNM Groups across the province and learning about all the awesome work everyone is doing.
If you are a youth mental health advocate and want to be a part of a TNM Group, click here to find one near you!
See you all soon on zoom,
Fizza Abbas, Network Coordinator